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Madame Tussauds (Wax Museum)

Madame Tussauds

This ratio is called the museum to Madame Tissot founder, Madame Tissot was born, founded the museum in 1761 in Strasbourg, her father died before she was born, nurtured by a doctor named Curtis, where her mother worked for him .. and its work was the art of dealing with wax! I learned from him this beautiful art and then have continued this hobby even shows her established, and eventually created this museum contains statues of global dignitaries in all fields of art, politics, such as Winston Churchill, Hitler and Shakespeare has a panic room depicting forms of crime during the French Revolution.

Madame Tussauds museums extended and expanded its branches to become places of tourist attraction in London, and it includes (until recently) Planetarium in London in the west wing. The chain has expanded with branches in Amsterdam, Las Vegas, New York and Hong Kong, Shanghai, and Washington, DC, Berlin, Vienna and Hollywood.
In 1925, the show suffered a fire by an electric spark and fire gutted a lot of sculptures, also broke the Nazi bombing of the aircraft in 1940 and the museum during World War II destroyed more than 352 major statue ..

And fun at Madame Tussauds is that you can imagine with, but embrace all Waxworks displayed in several rooms dedicated to specific categories of characters ..
It is worth mentioning that a statue of wax industry at Madame Tussauds Pttalb day period more than 6 months at a cost of more than 30 thousand pounds sterling for a single statue .


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